Today marks International Women’s Day, a day of global recognition and celebration of women whose achievements have made our world a better place. Originating in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland, International Women’s Day has been celebrated every year worldwide for over a century.
On this day, we recognize women trailblazers in healthcare like Florence Nightingale, Betty Ford, Dr. Gertrude Elion, Dr. Janet Cook Wright, to name a few. We also acknowledge our icons in medicine here at SRMC, who create a path for young women and challenge us to establish true gender equality.
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “Choose to Challenge.” Put simply, a challenged world is an alert world, and from challenge comes change. Along with celebrations and recognition of female achievements, today is also a call to action to remind us to never settle until true gender equality is achieved.
Join SRMC today and recognize the women in our professional and personal lives throughout the world that inspire change, lead us through the good and bad times, and plant the ideas that make our world a better place. Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day and give kudos to the mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunts for the impact they’ve had on this world. #srmc #internationalwomensday